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Meet the Global Intelligence Network

Since its founding in the 1930s, The Fleet Street Letter has always had the same goal: inform the everyday investor about what’s really happening in the markets.   

And this has been made possible thanks to our far-reaching network of associates who bravely deliver the type of information that top investors don’t want you to know.  

This network is compiled of leading executives from the world’s top companies… the sharpest financial minds… political power brokers – in short, some of the richest and most successful people in the world.  

Sometimes, our associates provide crucial information before it’s priced into financial markets. In late 1938, our source in Italy provided information that the recently signed Munich Agreement would not prevent war from breaking out in Europe less than a year later. 

And eight decades later, Nigel Farage’s business contacts in Northern Italy warned him about Covid-19 before the media caught on. 

Other times, it is the wisdom and analysis of our experts which gives The Fleet Street Letter readers an edge. Both William and Jacob Rees-Mogg explained the dangers of the euro to the financial stability of economies in a series of articles.  

And our top political insiders anticipated the rise of the Iron Lady, with her ideas that would reshape Britain’s economic and political landscape – and the fortunes of anyone who knew about it ahead of time. 

Our members have mostly remained anonymous but the calculus has changed. And right now, some of our experts agree that there’s too much opportunity to continue operating in secret. 

So we’re proud to introduce the Global Intelligence Network (GIN).

Each member of the Global Intelligence Network has made their name (and their fortune) by identifying key emerging developments behind the scenes and making the right moves at the right time. And now, they’re ready to share the knowledge directly with you. 

Below is a list of the current members who have agreed to serve publicly. Please note that some members continue to remain anonymous due to their political or other connections.


Nick Hubble
Editor, The Fleet Street Letter
John Butler
Investment Director, The Fleet Street Letter
Godfrey Bloom photo

Godfrey Bloom

Godfrey Bloom is a libertarian author with six books published on both military history & Austrian School Economics.

He worked in the City of London where he won an international prize for fund management (fixed interest) with Mercury Asset Management. Bloom finished his city career as General Manager of a life assurance company.

He represented Yorkshire & Lincolnshire in the European Parliament & was a staunch campaigner for Brexit for twenty five years.

During his term of office he attracted over sixty million views on his chamber speeches exposing State bank & tax malpractice on Facebook & You Tube. Thought to be an all time record. He brought experience if not influence to the mainly lay EU Parliamentary Monetary & Economic Affairs Committee, putting both members & European Central Bank President under unaccustomed pressure.

Godfrey Bloom passed out of Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in 1976 & served as logistics liaison officer to 4th Armed Division in Germany. He is an Associate Member of the Royal College of Defence Studies & has presented papers & lectures to The RCDS, Joint Services Staff College, National Defence University Washington & too many universities to list. His speciality is procurement & geo political military strategy.

Godfrey Bloom is holder of the Territorial Decoration & bar, Sovereign’s Medal, Armed Forces Parliamentary Medal & European Parliamentary silver medal.

Nigel Farage photo

Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage knows a thing or two about seeking fortune and freedom. In his political life, he spent 20 years campaigning for one thing: letting Britain decide whether to leave the EU in a referendum – and have the freedom to follow its own path.

He took on the political establishment – and won. Something that saw him ridiculed and caricatured by many sections of the press. But set aside the cloth cap, the corduroys and his beer and fags persona, and there’s a lot more to Mr Brexit than meets the mainstream eye.

You see, at heart, he is an anti-establishment radical, someone who actually occupies a space beyond left and right… a bit like his hero from school, John Wilkes, the 18th-century parliamentary agitator and pamphleteer. Wilkes and Liberty became a toast for radicals just as his name became anathema to moderates. You’ll note the similarities. Like Wilkes, Nigel was educated privately. The son of a stockbroker, who in turn was also the son of a stockbroker, Nigel went to Dulwich College where he loved sport and political debate.

He also founded an investing group (it is still going). But instead of going to university, he left to spend 20 years in the City as a broker in the metals markets, much like his father and grandfather before him. And 2020 sees him come full circle. He believes Britain can run its own affairs politically, and he believes you can take a closer look at your own financial affairs too.

If you are an independent thinker, why is your money, so important to your quality of life, being managed by someone else? Nigel strongly believes it’s time to wake up or millions may face financial disappointment. His most urgent mission to date is now to help you improve your own knowledge and take back control and some monetary independence from the financial establishment.

Daniel Lacalle Fernández photo

Daniel Lacalle Fernández

Daniel Lacalle has a PhD in Economics. He is currently based in Madrid where he is Chief Economist at Tressis S.V., Professor of Global Economics at IE University and IEB, and he is also an investment fund manager.

President of the Mises Hispano Institute, member of the Advisory Council of the Rafael del Pino Foundation and ORFIN. Member of the Academic Council of the International Foundation for Freedom (FIL) and fellow of the Philadelphia Society.

He has the title of international financial analyst CIIA and a postgraduate degree from IESE University of Navarra.

Daniel Graduated in Business Sciences from the Autónoma University of Madrid and has a PhD Cum Laude from the Catholic University of Valencia.

His career in portfolio management and investing began at the Citadel hedge fund and continued at Ecofin Ltd. and at PIMCO, in the United States and London.

He appears at number 5 in the ranking of the most influential economists in the world, according to Richtopia 2020, 2021. He has been voted for five years in a row among the top three managers in the Extel Survey, the ranking of Thompson Reuters in the general strategy, oil, and electric categories.

Daniel Lacalle writes a weekly column in the Spanish newspaper El Español, and collaborates regularly with CNBC, Fox Business and Bloomberg TV, as well as BBN Times, World Economic Forum, Zero Hedge, Hedge Eye, Epoch Times and Mises Wire, among others.

Author of books on Economics translated into several languages, including: “The Energy World Is Flat”, “Life In the Financial Markets”, “Escape From The Central Bank Trap” and “Freedom or Equality”.

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Federico Tessore photo

Federico Tessore

Federico Tessore is a serial entrepreneur, investor, author and founder of our sister publishing company in Argentina, Inversor Global. He played an unseen role in the election of Argentine President Javier Milei.

Jayant Bhandari photo

Jayant Bhandari

Jayant is constantly traveling the world to look for investment opportunities, particularly in the natural resource sector. He advises institutional investors about his finds. He was a Director on the board of Gold Canyon, a publicly-listed Canadian company, until its merger with another entity. Earlier, he worked for six years with US Global Investors (San Antonio, Texas), a boutique natural resource investment firm, and for one year with Casey Research. Before emigrating from India, he started and ran Indian subsidiary operations of two European companies.

He has written on political, economic and cultural issues for the Liberty magazine, the Mises Institute (US), Mises Institute (Canada), Mises Institute (India), Casey Research, Acting Man, International Man, Mining Journal, Zero Hedge, Lew Rockwell, Fraser Institute, Le Québécois Libre, Mauldin Economics, Northern Miner, Mining Markets etc. He is a contributing editor of the Liberty magazine.

He runs a yearly philosophy seminar in Vancouver, Capitalism & Morality.

He is an MBA from Manchester Business School (UK) and B. Engineering from SGSITS (India).

Alasdair Macleod photo

Alasdair Macleod

Alasdair started his City career as a stockbroker in 1970. Since then, he has fulfilled a number of roles at director level in investment management, corporate finance and banking.

He has been Head of Research for Goldmoney Inc. since 2011.

He currently writes a Substack newsletter focusing on money, credit, economics and geopolitics.

Bill Bonner photo

Bill Bonner

Bill Bonner is the co-author of The New York Times bestselling books Financial Reckoning Day: Surviving the Soft Depression of the 21st Century, Empire of Debt: The Rise of an Epic Financial Crisis, and Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets: Surviving the Public Spectacle in Finance and Politics.

In his latest book, A Modest Theory of Civilization: Win-Win or Lose, he explores the progress of society through all its peaks and valleys. Along the way, he reveals the one rule society must follow if it hopes to progress… and shows what happens to those who ignore it.

Bill has started businesses all over the world… employs thousands of people… has made investments on five continents… sees a dozen different business deals cross his desk every single week… has acquired more than two dozen businesses… owns hundreds of thousands of acres of land… travels about 100,000 air miles every year… and has launched more than 1,000 advisories with his partners.

In short, Bill opens a window to the world of money and wealth that you won’t find anywhere else.

Dan Denning photo

Dan Denning

Dan Denning’s belief in free markets, sound money, personal liberty and small government have underpinned everything he’s done during 18 years in the financial publishing industry.

In 1999, he began working remotely with Lord William Rees-Mogg to publish his work in America. In 2004-5 he had the privilege of working directly with him in London.

After writing a book, The Bull Hunter, in 2005, he built a publishing business in Melbourne. It’s now Australia’s biggest and most respected independent financial publishing house.

He returned to London in 2015, working with Nick O’Connor and Bill Bonner to make Southbank Investment Research the leading independent financial publication in the UK.

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