• An evening in Covent Garden

    From a global conference in Dublin to an evening of guest presentations in Covent Garden, it has been an exciting two weeks here at Southbank Investment Research. Meanwhile, much of the world remains afire and gold just keeps going higher.
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  • The Fed cuts rates. So what?

    The US Federal Reserve finally cut rates this week, giving stock markets a bit of a lift. It is a mistake however for the markets to expect too much from the Fed, or from any central bank for that matter.
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  • The stock market smells trouble

    On the menu this week: ❖ Is the recession already here? ❖ The stock market smells trouble ❖ Conspiracy Corner: The Key to Watergate ❖ On the radar… This week the UK’s Office for National Statistics published the July GDP figures. They showed 0% real economic growth during the month. Yes, that’s only one month
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  • It was 25 years ago today…

    When it comes to political drama, 2024 is a year that just keeps on giving.
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  • London’s ÂŁ50 noodle shop

    Returning from holiday is sometimes a shock. That was the case for me this year, but not for the reasons you might expect.
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  • Is Kamala Harris under the influence of a Russian agent?

    The rumours have been swirling for years. It’s why she can’t keep staff. It’s the secret reason she doesn’t take questions or hold press conferences.
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  • An all-time high in the US dollar gold price

    The US dollar gold price closes at an all-time high, the media turns on hydrogen and AI interferes in the US election.
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  • Is the mini-crash already over? Or is this just the beginning?

    The global mini-crash this past week may well be start of something bigger. Global economic fundamentals continue to deteriorate. There are now growing calls for a US recession ahead, yet stock market valuations remain near historic highs. That’s a dangerous combination.
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  • The BoE cuts rates. Now what?

    Interest rates may now be on the way down but is that going to be enough to prevent a recession? To support the stock market? Perhaps not, as we have already observed this past week.
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  • Chariots of Fire

    As the Paris Olympic Games begin they provide the opportunity to reflect on those held in that city 100 years ago. Plus ça change…
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