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The Fleet Street Letter has thrived by staying AHEAD of the times – and appointing “curators” suitable for those times. Founder Patrick Maitland, the 17th Earl of Lauderdale, set the bar high right from the off in 1938, predicting: “War is coming to Europe, but not until September at the earliest.”

On 1 September 1939, Hitler invaded Poland…

If you’d been reading The Letter in 1987, you’d have had ten weeks to prepare before Black Monday brutalised investors… in 1999, you’d have been out the door four months before the dotcom bust arrived… and in 2008, been given a heads-up six months before Lehman Brothers went broke.

Today, we find ourselves in an era of great disruption. Never has it been more important for you to understand the bigger picture, how all the dots join…

Leading The Fleet Street Letter is investment director John Butler, a seasoned, international financial professional with a wide variety of industry experience. Working as an investment strategist and portfolio structurer for 25 years, John has advised many of the world’s largest institutional investors and central banks.

John is on the record having predicted some of the most important global financial events during his career, including a secular bull market in gold and a US-centric housing and credit bubble that would eventually burst. His publications include The Golden Revolution and The Golden Revolution, Revisited, books explaining the causes and consequences of the 2008 global financial crisis and exploring the financial market implications of global monetary regime change.

Joining John is editor-at-large Nickolai Hubble. For more than a decade, Nick has been helping regular investors understand the biggest trends and threats lurking in the markets. Heading into 2023, Nick believes the triple whammy of creeping authoritarianism, flailing institutions and the fragility of a financial system still running on the fumes of cheap money pose a real danger.

This high-calibre team will bring a mix of provocative commentary, market wisdom and battle-tested investment guidance that you simply you won’t find anywhere else.

please call 0203 966 4580

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